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And while the excuse offered is the same (ridding the world of Superman), this time, Lex Luthor is portrayed more evil, less of a philosopher.

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Smart and conniving as ever, the idea to kill Superman using his strength is something that only Luthor could have thought of. In 'All Star Superman', the basic theme adopted is that even Gods can run out of time.As has been seen often before, once again, the man responsible for Superman's greatest predicament is Lex Luthor. In 'Death of Superman', it was one earth-shattering punch that took down Superman. This may not be the first time that Superman has 'died' (technically, he's not really dead), but this is definitely more tragic than 'Death of Superman'.

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While I would still consider Red Son slightly better, this is definitely the best one I've read which involves the 'original' Superman. This is Superman's version of the 'Twelve tasks of Hercules'.Grant Morrison weaves a tale which many have come to regard as the finest Superman story ever told. This is Superman finally getting his most innate wish granted in the most bizarre way: to feel human. more, feeling jealous when Samson is hitting on Lois Lane. Yes, this Superman is still a boy scout, but he is also ensnared by common human trappings: like revealing his identity to Lois Lane just because he is dying. This is Superman trying to leave his legacy behind in his adopted world that he has sworn to protect. This isn't Superman getting his a** kicked (well, except for one instance), or Superman trying to be in control or being modest about his powers.

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Review 1: The Sphinx: What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?Superman: They surrender.A warning for those who think that Superman is overpowered: All Star Superman is Superman at his most powerful, having literally taken a sun dip at the start of the series (Though, in an ironic twist, the same is killing him slowly like cancer).

Grant morrison invisibles download